Topic: Starting Small

So, if life has ever served me a clear lesson in eating my own has definitely been this! Disclaimer, I've never had a large garden...or even a medium sized garden. I've been gardening for over 10 years now. (I grew up with several medium sized garden areas on our property as a kid, having to weed, harvest & can. I did not care for it...not one little bit!) So what was my lesson here? I spent well over 3 hours writing my first entry on here all about planning your garden & stressing why first time gardeners especially, but even newer gardeners, should start off small. I researched, double checked, edited & proof read, added, proof read again, cleaned up, did the final proof read, clicked submit...and BAM! EVERYTHING was lost. Yep. Just like that. It was a great article, I promise...and I was so frustrated I swore I would never do it again...(yeah, that happened) so we are. This is pretty common when it comes to gardening as well. Many people tend to bite off more than they can chew the first year or two, and struggle. Maybe even quit. Start small. Most (if not all) seasoned gardeners will tell you the same. It's way too easy to get carried off with all the selections & varieties available and all too quickly you can & probably will find yourself overwhelmed or not as successful as you imagined due to various reasons. There are several cute small gardens you can easily maintain while giving you plenty of time to learn how to effectively grow your plants. Take a salsa garden for example. A few tomato plants, few pepper plants, onions, Basil & voila! (There may be a few more plants, but I'm on 1% so I'm not looking up the specifics!) Happy garden planning!