Advances in AI will have transformative impacts in a wide variety of fields, including health care, security, energy, transport, production, and entertainment.\u003d80\u0026preferwebp\u003dtrue As we consider potential development and usages of AI innovations, we will consider a broad series of social and financial factors, and will proceed where we think that the total most likely benefits considerably go beyond the foreseeable dangers and disadvantages.

AI also boosts our ability to understand the significance of material at scale.\u003d1\u0026w\u003d640\u0026h\u003d360\u0026cr\u003d1\u0026crw\u003d640\u0026crh\u003d360\u0026bc\u003d%23ffffff We will make every effort to make high-quality and accurate information easily offered using AI, while continuing to respect cultural, social, and legal norms in the countries where we run. And we will continue to thoughtfully evaluate when to make our innovations available on a non-commercial basis.